Wednesday 15 June 2016

Basketball is good for everyone!

  Some people think less movement, playing basketball, football is only a sweat, exercise only, in fact, not so. What are the benefits of playing basketball? Play basketball in addition to exercise, you can also exercise our mental, but also give us the spiritual realm to the next level, each sport has its own unique charm of the place.
  Too fat will affect people's normal physiological function, in particular, is likely to cause heart burden, shortened life expectancy. If a person's subcutaneous fat than the normal standard of 15% -25%, then his risk of death rate will be increased to 30%. Since basketball can reduce fat, increase muscle strength and maintain joint flexibility, it can control weight, improve the shape and appearance.
 I think basketball is very good for every person, people nood to spand more time to sport.


  1. HI ALLEN! MY FRIEND!U a sport young man! U have a very healthy life coz u like to sport!!!And I also like to play basketball! If u have a free time may I play basketball with u after school!!??

  2. Hi Allen, I like this post, it's a very good post, it tell me a lot of good things about play basketball. I think basketball is a very good sport, there are a lot of people like play basketball, i think this post can make more people to play basketball. From your post i think i need to play basketball now.

  3. This is a great post! But you just said basketball is good for everyone, why i didn't saw you play it? I think you can try and get a lot of exercise to keep health.

  4. I also like play basketball, because i like to play basketball, it will make me feel stronger and health

  5. I also like play basketball, because i like to play basketball, it will make me feel stronger and health
